

일반 2019 IEFS-EAER Conference Hit 4888
  • 등록일 2019-05-20 16:12:41

대외경제정책연구원(KIEP) EAER 편집위원회에서는 2016년부터 한국 IEFS 학회와 공동으로 국제학술대회를 개최하여 국제금융 및 국제무역에 대한 주요 현안을 논의하고 있습니다.


올해로 4회째 맞이하는 ‘2019 IEFS-EAER 공동 세미나를 아래와 같이 개최하오니 여러분들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.



- 아 래 -



1. 행사명: 2019 IEFS-EAER 공동 세미나


2. 주 제: Structural Changes in the Global Economy: Global Value Chains and Financial Risks


3. 일 시: 201965(), 9:00~18:00


4. 장 소: 서울대학교 아시아연구소 220(삼익홀), 240


5. 기조연설자:

- Pol Antras (Harvard University) 교수

발표주제: Global Value Chains: The Economics of Spiders and Snakes

- Karen Lewis (U Penn, Wharton School) 교수

발표주제: International Consumption Risk-Sharing and Asset Returns: A Critical Review


6. 주 최: 대외경제정책연구원(KIEP), 한국 IEFS 학회, 서울대학교 경제학부


7. 등 록: 참석을 원하시는 분들은 531() 오후 6시까지 다음의 메일(eaer@kiep.go.kr)로 사전 신청해주시기 바랍니다.


8. 문 의: EAER 편집위원회 서주원 전문원(044-414-1251)

East Asian Economic Review (EAER) editorial board cordially invites you to the 2019 IEFS-EAER Conference; jointly organized by Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), Korea chapter of the International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS), and Department of Economics, Seoul National University on June 5, 2019 in Korea. The theme of this year’s conference is “Structural Changes in the Global Economy: Global Value Chains and Financial Risks”.


We look forward to your participation in the conference.


Details are as follows:



1. Title: 2019 IEFS-EAER Conference


2. Topic: Structural Changes in the Global Economy: Global Value Chains and Financial Risks


3. Date: Wednesday, June 5th, 2019, 9:00-18:00


4. Venue: Samik Hall (Room 220) and Room 240, Seoul National University Asia Center, Seoul


5. Keynote speakers:

- Prof. Pol Antras (Harvard University)

Topic: Global Value Chains: The Economics of Spiders and Snakes

- Prof. Karen Lewis (U Penn, Wharton School)

Topic: International Consumption Risk-Sharing and Asset Returns: A Critical Review


6. Hosted by: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP),

International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS) Korea Chapter,

Department of Economics, Seoul National University (SNU)


7. Registration: Please send an e-mail to eaer@kiep.go.kr for pre-registration by May 31st, 2019.


8. Contact: Ms. Juwon Seo, Specialist, East Asian Economic Review Editorial Board (+82-44-414-1251)


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