

공지 [2025-1학기] Instruction : Request to Increase Quota for Course Registration Hit 2438
  • 등록일 2025-02-13 18:21:07

* If the professor in charge of the course has permitted you to attend the class, please make sure to attend from the first session.


*Requesting to increase Quota for Course Registration : If you fail to register required courses required for your graduation, acquire the registration permission from the instructor of the course, and submit registration request by up-loading the proof document(captured image of the permission or email from the instructor) on Quota Exceeding Course Registration menu in the HY-in portal

(2025.03.07. ~ 2025.03.11. 5:00 PM )

*Applicable Courses : Major courses only

*How to Apply




How to request registration



Registration on HY-in Portal

(2025.3.7. ~ 2025.3.11. 5:00pm)


Course Registration by College Admin Team



Ask permission for additional course registration required for graduation to the professor in charge.


1. Upload the proof document (e.g. captured image of the permission email from the instructor) on Quota Exceeding Course Registration menu in the HY-in portal Service 수업 Request to Increase Quota for Course Registration.


2. Check the confirmation status of the course whether additional registration is available (College admin team will update confirmation status).


Added courses can be found on the system after March 12.


Check the status of confirmation by the college admin team(Inquire if there is anything wrong with your registration request during the college admin team’s manual course registration period).



Confirm the student’s request and reply by email





College Admin Team




Confirm the registration request of the student.


Register the course that the student requested

(Inform the student of the registration result).



1. Please submit quota exceeding course registration request only in limited situations such as for the purpose of graduation.

2. Additional course registration for exceeding Quota is available only when the instructor confirms your request

3. Quota exceeding course registration may not be available if the size of the classroom is limited or if it exceeds the maximum number of seats set by the instructor.

4. Complete the quota exceeding course registration within the deadline.

5. Confirm the quota exceeding course registration request result during the college admin team’s manual course registration period. Any change caused by your misunderstanding will not be accepted.


* Inquiry (Inquire to the Dept./Major)

College of Business and Economics : (kar5482@hanyang.ac.kr)


* Situations Where Additional Registration Requests Cannot Be Processed (Important):

1. If a screenshot of the email granting permission to attend the course is not provided.

2. If there is a time conflict with the student's schedule or if the maximum credit limit is exceeded.

3. If the request is for a general education course (For inquiries about general education courses, contact: 031-400-5766).

4. If the course is an evening class (For courses managed by the Department of Accounting and Taxation, or the Department of Smart Convergence Engineering).

5. If the class size or the maximum number of students allowed by the instructor cannot accommodate additional students.


Confirmation of Additional Quota Requests:

1. After reviewing the student's uploaded materials, the administrative team will begin processing on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.

2. Students can verify their registration status starting Wednesday, March 12, 2025 afternoon through the HY-in portal.

3. If any issues arise, contact the administrative team immediately (031-400-5620).

Note: If no contact is made due to student negligence, no assistance will be available after 2 p.m. on Thursday, March 13, 2025.

4. Even if your name is not immediately reflected in the attendance sheet, if you have received permission, please attend from the first class.

If your name is not on the attendance sheet, ask the professor to check the updated attendance list.




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