
김준용 교수


연락처 : 031-400-5623

■ 자기소개 

김준용 교수는 서울대학교에서 경영학 학사학위와 경영학(마케팅전공) 석사학위를 취득하고, 미국 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign에서 경영학(마케팅전공) 박사학위를 취득하였다. 이후 미국 University of Central Florida와 Purdue University에서 경영대학 교수로 재직하다가 2012년 9월 한양대학교 ERICA 경영학부에 부임하였다. 김준용 교수의 주 연구 분야는 소비자 심리 및 행동 분석에 기반한 브랜딩 및 마케팅 전략이며, 최근 연구 활동은 버츄얼 휴먼, AI 서비스 로봇 등의 혁신적 기술을 활용한 제품과 서비스에 대한 소비자들의 반응을 주로 다루고 있다. 김준용 교수의 연구는 Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Behaviour 등 다수의 국내외 학술 저널에 게재된 바 있다.


■ 학력 

● 경영학박사(Ph.D. in Marketing). 일리노이 주립대학, 어바나-샴페인, USA.
● 경영학석사(MS in Marketing). 서울대학교.
● 경영학학사(BA in Business Administration). 서울대학교.

■ 경력 

● 현 한양대학교 ERICA 경영학부 교수
● 전 Purdue University 경영학과 교수
● 전 University of Central Florida 경영학과 교수 


■ 연구관심분야 

● 소비자 심리 및 행동, 마케팅 전략, 브랜딩 및 브랜드전략, 혁신 기술 제품•서비스 마케팅


■ 주요논문 

● Sujung Kim, Junyong Kim (2022). Differential effects of online word-of-mouth about attractive and one-dimensional Kano attributes on hospital selection. Korean Society of Hospital Management, 27(3):1-14. 

● Hyein Sung, Junyong Kim, Hyewon Choi (2021). Effects of consumer-cause fit and consumer-product fit of cause-related marketing on product purchase intention. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(3):791-802. 

● Junyong Kim, Seonghyeon Jeong (2020). How Framing of the Benefits of Eco-friendly Products Alters Consumers’ Choices: Non-Monetary Framing vs. Monetary Framing Following Hedonic Editing Hypothesis. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business, 11(4):65-81 

● Sujung Kim, Junyong Kim, Junbae Kim (2019). A Study on Medical Consumers’ Hospital Selection Factors Using Kano Model and Timko Model. Korean Society of Hospital Management, 23(4):40-52. 

● Junyong Kim, Seonghyeon Jeong, Hyewon Choi (2018). Effects of Donation Size and Severity of Beneficiary’s Condition of a Cause-Related Marketing Campaign for a Luxury Product on Consumers’ Product Purchase Intention and Attitude toward the Company. Journal of Product Research, 36(4):11-27. 

● Junyong Kim (2017). An Empirical Comparison of Alternative Models of Consumers’ Environmental Attitudes and Eco-friendly Product Purchase Intentions. Seoul Journal of Business, 23(1):91-120. 

● Gyuhyeon Choi, Junyong Kim (2016). Effects of Displaying Social Enterprise Certification Information on Consumers’ Product Evaluations and Purchase Intentions. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 26(2):185-197. 

● Seonghyeon Jeong, Junyong Kim (2015). Curvilinear Effect of Two Types of Customer Participation as Production Resources on Perceived Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction. 2015 AMA Marketing Summer Educators’ Conference Proceedings, 26Q:8-9. 

● Meryl Gardner, Brian Wansink, Junyong Kim, Sebum Park (2014). Better Moods for Better Foods?: How Moods Influence Food Consumption. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24(3):320-335.

● Junyong Kim, Brian Wansink (2012). How Retailers’ Recommendations and Return Policies Alter Product Evaluations. Journal of Retailing,88(4):528-541.

● Junyong Kim, Pranjal Gupta (2012). Emotional Expressions in Online User Reviews: How They Influence Consumers’ Product Evaluations, Journal of Business Research, 65(7):985-992. 

● James Hess, Jacqueline Kacen, Junyong Kim (2006). Mood-management dynamics: The interrelationship between moods and behaviours. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 59(Pt. 2):347-378. 

● Brian Wansink, Junyong Kim (2005). Bad Popcorn in Big Buckets: Portion Size Can Influence Intake as Much as Taste. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 37(5):242-245.

● Brian Wansink, Junyong Kim (2001). The Marketing Battle Over Genetically Modified Foods. American Behavioral Scientist, 44:1405-1417. 

● Brian Wansink, Junyong Kim (2001). The consumer marketing of biotechnology. Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, 7(3):249-259.


■ 학회활동 

● 현 Jouranl of Busines Research 심사위원
● 전 한국전자거래학회 이사
● 전 Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science 심사위원
● 전 Advances in Consumer Research 심사위원


■ 수상

● Best Teacher, 한양대학교, 2016
● Best Teacher, 한양대학교, 2015
● Outstanding Paper, Marketing Management Association Conference, Service Marketing Track, 2010
● Teaching Excellence Fellow, Purdue University, 2009
● Seymour Sudman Dissertation Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002